By exploring ENTREPRENEURSHIP, sparking CREATIVITY, & offering ALTERNATIVES to Street Life.


We are a 501c3 Non Profit that brings access to
entrepreneurial resources. Our core focuses are
financial literacy and emerging technology to create
opportunities for increased quality of life and education.

How: Step 1

We welcome each member with our introductory package to the financial system by providing the initial deposit to a checking account through our partnership with TD Bank. Staying consistent with our core pillars, Every Member then receives a smart device preloaded with tools that further enhances their ability towards achieving financial literacy and Technological integration.

  • E-Book

    “Mr. Pig bought me ice cream” Early financial education book for children by promoting the value of saving.

  • TD Bank app

    Access for their funds and
    account management

  • iNTROverse

    It is an open software that
    allows users to roam an
    open virtual world and learn
    about building + purchasing
    real estate, tokenization +
    monetary transactions,
    business, and entertainment.

Finally, our program provides a comprehensive curriculum for educational purposes of all ages.
This is available via VR/AR and all smart devices as cell phones and smart devices

Step 2:

We follow through with curriculum in person at institutions per request and provide workforce
development training + Job Placement Opportunities for graduates of our coursework to better
prepare them for the world.


As an Entrepreneurial Resources & Creative Center, we'll have virtual trainings and dedicated role models in the community to share their businesses and teach unique skills. This space will serve as a multi-dimensional studio to learn and create.


Starting as a tech company we realized that our offerings should be for the people that need them the most and have access the least. Underserved communities. We serve as a bride for all the do gooders who want to help and improve but simply do not know how. At Community iNREACH, our goal is to impact millions of lives that are in need by providing access. A simple chance, opportunity, and information changes
any community. We reach in, do the work, and engage for growth. Our Motto resonates through every corner of our being…. “Doing Well by Doing Good”